Ice Racers Event
1 minute read
Hey Everyone!
We're going to be hosting a boat race event on July 8th, 10:30 AM (ACST).
How do you play?
- Join DupeTable when the event starts and type /warp event to teleport to the event world.
- We'll ping you when the event starts, if the events gets rescheduled, or if the event gets cancelled.
1st Place - Event winner rank, 1 Event Key, and 3 Cosmetic Keys
2nd Place - 1 Event Key and 2 Cosmetic Keys
3rd Place - 1 Event Key
- Any cheating or use of glitches will disqualify you and may result in a ban from future events.
- This event is being hosted GamerScott08
The event is over!
1st place rexlike1234
2nd place domoware
3rd place danny1658