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4 days ago
Crates have been fixed!

Hey everyone!

Crates have been fixed. You may have had some keys lots (or gained) as we had to rollback crates data. If you're missing any keys please let us know!

16 days ago
Clans V3 Update Delays


Do you have any plans for how soon custom enchants will come afterwards?

It should be around 2-4 weeks after clans V3 releases

26 days ago
Ice Racers Event

Hey Everyone!

We're going to be hosting a boat race event on July 8th, 10:30 AM (ACST).

How do you play?

  • Join DupeTable when the event starts and type /warp event to teleport to the event world.
  • We'll ping you when the event starts, if the events gets rescheduled, or if the event gets cancelled.


1st Place - Event winner rank, 1 Event Key, and 3 Cosmetic Keys

2nd Place - 1 Event Key and 2 Cosmetic Keys

3rd Place - 1 Event Key


  • Any cheating or use of glitches will disqualify you and may result in a ban from future events.
  • This event is being hosted GamerScott08

28 days ago
Clans V3 Update Delays

Hey everyone!

We have recently decided to delay our Clans V3 update. We've decided to do this as the update is not ready for release, there are still some bugs left that need to be ironed out. This update was meant to release soon as said in our previous roadmap announcement. We expect this update to be ready within 1-2 weeks.

about 1 month ago
power 10 bows