
There is currently 1 player online.

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Server Rules

  • Don't Spam

  • Discord TOS still applies as we have chat linked to our discord

  • No NSFW Content

  • No Racism, homophobia, etc.

  • No advertising

  • No IRL threats (an example of this is death threats).

  • No use of hacked clients or disallowed mods are allowed (excluding litematica)

  • No bot accounts are allowed

  • No ban evasion

  • No lag machines or anything made to cause harm to the server

  • No use of bookbans are allowed

  • Bugs must not be abused and should be reported to staff

  • You may not farm kills from alts or other players (you can't kill someone over and over again)

  • Impersonating other player's clans without permission is not allowed

  • In all interactions, it is imperative to uphold a standard of respectful and dignified discourse, especially when engaging with individuals of higher authority. The foundation of this principle lies in fostering mutual respect and understanding amongst peers, regardless of hierarchical distinctions. Therefore, it is expected that all communication maintains a tone of deference and courtesy towards those occupying positions of greater responsibility.

  • You may not associate with or assist ban evaders and must report any instances of ban evasion to staff members immediately.

    You can also view these rules ingame via /rules