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Clan Recruitment Info
Jacob Owner
51 posts
43 topics
4 months ago

Welcome to Clan Recruitment!

Here you can look for teammates to play DupeTable with. Feel free to look through this category or make a post for your own clan.

Please note that any interactions outside of DupeTable (such as Discord servers, DMs, etc) can not be properly moderated by us so please be careful when interacting outside the DupeTable community. Please report any clans that break our rules.

Posting Rules

When posting your clan please keep this rules in mind, failing to follow these rules may result in a forum ban:

  • Follow the Forum Rules
  • Do not include any links to external platforms in your post, instead you can allow applications via replies or DMs on the forum. From there you are allowed to send discord invites. You can view your messages or send a message here.
  • Do not impersonate any existing clans on the server.
  • Do not post looking for a clan to join, instead just look through any existing posts.

Posting Recommendations

When making a clan recruitment post we recommend to include the following:

  • Your clan's name
  • Info about your clan (the purpose of your clan)
  • Joining requirements
  • A list of current members or a member count
  • Allies/Enemies
  • The clan owner (if it's not you)